Wednesday, July 22, 2020

10 Signs that youre a Real Estate Agent

10 Signs that you’re a Real Estate Agent 10 Signs that you’re a Real Estate Agent Real estate agent is an odd career. Irregular hours, irregular income, and difficult clients all make real estate a challenge. It requires constant hustle and improvisation. Being a real estate agent is crazy, but you’re not alone. There are tons of agents there who know what it’s like. It’s versatile, hectic, rewarding, fun, and all consuming. Real estate bleeds into other areas of your life. After a while, you start to see almost everything through a real estate prism.   And you develop some interesting habits and collections. But would you have it any other way? Here are 10 signs that you’re probably a real estate agent… body{background:#fff} .simple_slider p{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px} .simple_slider h3{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px} .simple_slider h3 a{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px; text-decoration:none; color:#fff} .simple_slider .onecolor{background-color:#055f82;} .simple_slider .purple{background-color:#cb391a} .simple_slider .purple2{background-color:#331259} .simple_slider .pink{background-color:#dc311f} .simple_slider .green{background-color:#85ad05} .simple_slider .green-dark{background-color:#556409} .simple_slider .orange{background-color:#e1640f} .simple_slider .brown{background-color:#602817} .simple_slider .blue{background-color:#002a89} .simple_slider .cyan{background-color:#03628e} .simple_slider .dorange{background-color:#ed1b24} .simple_slider .black{background-color:#0f0801} .simple_slider .gray{background-color:#525759} .simple_slider{width:100%; margin:0 auto; 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Irregular hours, irregular income, and difficult clients all make real estate a challenge. It requires constant hustle and improvisation. Being a real estate agent is crazy, but youre not alone. There are tons of agents there who know what its like. Its versatile, hectic, rewarding, fun, and all consuming. Real estate bleeds into other areas of your life. After a while, you start to see almost everything through a real estate prism. And you develop some interesting habits and collections. But would you have it any other way? Here are 10 signs that youre probably a real estate agent 1. What desk? You dont need a desk. When youre always on the go, the passenger seat of your car becomes your desk, filing cabinet, picnic table, and coat rack. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 2. Every other conversation leads to a real estate anecdote. You cant help talking about real estate; it just happens without you realizing it. Real estate agents love telling stories about that one house, that crazy buyer, that awesome deal they closed. All the time; in listing presentations, seminars, baby showers, Thanksgiving dinner. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 3. You can hear a conversation about real estate from 10 feet away. Did someone say curb appeal? You real estate antenna is always up searching for tidbits of real estate topics: interest rates, school districts, kitchen remodels, and property values. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 4. Youre utterly lost without your smart phone. Full-sized computers are sooo last century, right? Who needs a laptop when you have everything you need, and some you dont, in the palm of your hand? Real estate agents conduct so much business on their cell phones, they rack up insane amounts of minutes. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 5. Youll negotiate anything. Youre always ready, eager to make a deal. Everythings negotiable. Dinner plans, summer vacations, Netflix choices. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 6. Your finances give you whiplash. Feast or famine. One month youre wondering if youll have to ask Mom for a loan, the next you have more clients than you can juggle. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 7. Youre a balloon connoisseur. No open house is complete without bright helium balloons. How many Sunday mornings are you wandering around suburban streets setting up signs and tying balloons while your family enjoys pancakes? 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 8. And a key collector Your keychain looks like some obscure torture device and you have a drawer full of orphan keys next to a stack of signs. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 9. For you, theres no such thing as weekends. Or leisure time. Or vacations that arent working. Client texts at 1am Saturdays showing houses to buyers. Sundays hosting open houses. Kids softball games spent wrangling offers and counteroffers. All in the day, and night, of a realtor. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 10. You cant help remodeling a place in your head. At a nice dinner out or driving to a friends house, you catch yourself looking for leaks, foundation issues, upgrade opportunities, and staging tricks. 2018 | 888-360-8764 | One thing you can squeeze in between listing presentations and open houses is online continuing education from Youve got to get it done, so why not do it the easy way with convenient, on-demand courses from a leading real estate training provider. Enroll now! 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 2018 | 888-360-8764 | / 2018 | 888-360-8764 |

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